TMJ Therapy Solutions – Your Trusted TMJ Experts


How I Treat TMJ Pain or what everyone likes to call it, “Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.”

How I Treat TMJ Pain or what everyone likes to call it, “Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.”I Never Wanted to Treat TMJ Pain… When I graduated from Emory University School of Medicine, my goal was to start a clinic and treat athletes! So that’s what I did, I started my clinic in Norcross in 2015 and treated Crossfit

How I Treat TMJ Pain or what everyone likes to call it, “Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.” Read More »

How Physiotherapy Helps TMJ Disorders Without Medication, Without Injections, Without Nightguards, Without Dental Procedures, and Without Surgery.

How Physiotherapy Helps TMJ Disorders without medication, without injections, without nightguards, without dental procedures, and without surgery. Your jaw pain is real. As I said in my previous blog, TMD (TemporoMandibular Disorder) pain not only presents in the jaw but can present in multiple areas such as ears, head, eyes, and neck. Because of that, interventions

How Physiotherapy Helps TMJ Disorders Without Medication, Without Injections, Without Nightguards, Without Dental Procedures, and Without Surgery. Read More »